Becky | Greenville, SC

Images by Anna Fonner


"I want to raise respectable, honest, loving, and sweet boys who know that all women are beautiful and that they all deserve respect and love, no matter what their body looks like."  

I became really self-conscious about my body after having my first baby. For some reason, it's put into our heads that we need to lose the baby weight as fast as we can, but I never really lost it all before getting pregnant with my second. I became really embarrassed, like I was failing. Like I was the only one who was unable to do it. Like it was some sort of law all women had to abide by. I told myself I wasn't embarrassed to wear a bathing suit or shorts, but never really believed myself. I always felt like people were staring and judging me when we would take the boys swimming. All of this seems too silly to me now.

I want to create memories with my children that don't involve me sitting on the sidelines watching them have fun. I want to be involved in what they enjoy. I don't want them to see me constantly covering up at the pool and worrying about what other people might be thinking. I want my sons to see their mom as a confident woman. I don't want them to have this idea of what a woman should look like. I want to raise respectable, honest, loving, and sweet boys who know that all women are beautiful and that they all deserve respect and love, no matter what their body looks like.


I am more confident since completing this project. I worry less about what other people are thinking about my body and I worry more about what my kids see when they look at me. After all, it was my body that created, nourished, and gave life to two amazing little boys. And they think I'm pretty fabulous, flaws and all! And that's all that matters!

- Becky

Portraits of Becky by Anna Fonner.