Elsa | Maryland

Images by Jennifer Domenick


"Through the journaling I was struck by how my amazing life was all a gift of my body- the dancing, singing, adventuring, birthing, painting, listening and holding that I cherish were all made possible by this glorious friend, my body. "  

Describe your body story before this project: : Do more, be stronger, go faster. I saw my body as my workhorse, and a slowly aging one at that. While still "young" I was starting to see the wrinkles, feel the aches and it unsettled me. On top of this utilitarian thinking, I didn't really relate to myself as beautiful - but rather noticed the crooked nose, the post baby sagging, the circles under my eyes. Let's just say, my body and I weren't very close.

Through the journaling I was struck by how my amazing life was all a gift of my body- the dancing, singing, adventuring, birthing, painting, listening and holding that I cherish were all made possible by this glorious friend, my body. I saw I needed to take care of her, honor her and fuel her to keep living this amazing life together.

I have taken responsibility for making time for self care. Eating good food, resting, taking long showers, and exercising. I am also taking moments to appreciate my unique presence and see my body for what it is- beautiful.

-- Elsa

Portraits of Elsa by Jennifer Domenick